Friday, December 14, 2018

A Flurry of Activity

Happy Holidays to all our Families! and A Happy New Year!!
Help Your child get a snowball fight with Mrs. Couch, and Mrs. Luck- if everyone earns it then Mrs. Branch will have a class snowball fight!! Please help us earn this goal as a class!!!!!!  Read for 30 minutes for 10 days of the break and log steps on this sheet!!! We can do it!!!!  I think we have missed some friends so just put it in their regular log and I will accept that.

Let it Snow!! Yes we went out in it last week and had a blast!!

Graphing Galore

Happy Holidays!

Gingerbread Man Week!
A GREAT BIG thank you to all those parents who donated supplies and volunteered their time to come in and help run stations.  We can't do these fun days without you.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Birds, Birds, and Running

This week we discovered WOW facts about Birds in our continued unit about Animals and using paper scraps we created our own version of birds we found in our bird books.

We even had an opportunity to see some live birds and make some good observations:

Next week we will discuss reptiles and amphibians!
In Math we began learning about asking questions, collecting data, and creating graphs.  We will continue with more over the next two weeks.

And we ended our week with a fun run:

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

A Fun 7 days!!

We started out last week putting the finishing touches on our EXPO projects!  Partners worked together to put their patterned design together!  They did an amazing job!  And for those of you that came to the EXPO they also did a good job talking about their projects and their writing.

WE also.... had our first Awards Ceremony.... everyone received either a JiJi Math Award or a Reading STEP AWARD.  

Then  we had some of our first grade friends come to visit us last week and ask us to help them with their project of collecting plastic to be recycled into the making of a bench.  So please look at the items on the magnet the kids brought home to see all the types of plastic you can bring in!  :)  We will be collecting this until April!

Then this week we had our EXPO Monday night...

Here is a close-up of their finished projects.  I can't wait to see them all on the wall in the lobby.  

We also tried our hand at Native American pictographs....

And we had a very fun 50th Day of School...

 WE danced ....
 And counted....
 And had a treat at the end of the day... yummy!  Thank you to all those that donated :)