
The ABC’s of Kindergarten
Hello and welcome to kindergarten!  I am sure you have many questions and I hope this handbook will answer many of them.  Please save or print out this booklet, and perhaps put it on your refrigerator or somewhere you will be able to refer to it often.  (This will also be on the blog.)
A is for… Agenda
Your child will receive one agenda courtesy of our school.  Each day I will draw a color coded smiley face and/or comment on what kind of day your child has had.  If you have a brief note or question to me you are welcome to write it in the agenda. Any afternoon transportation changes should be done through our the new website application Pick-Up Patrol.  Please be sure to review the school policies within the agenda as well as the student handbook.

B is for… Birthdays and…
To celebrate birthdays in the class, we sing “Happy Birthday” in the morning and wear a special crown and cape. They also get to stand on the table as we sing to them. Special food treats are only allowed if they are store bought according to school policy. These treats can dropped off in the office.  Please let me know if you plan to send in treats, we will eat them at the end of our lunch (12:30).

We have a classroom blog at http://branchbulletin.blogspot.com
Each weekend I will send a weekly email with a reminder to check the blog.  There you will see a brief synopsis of what we’ve done the past week and what we plan to do the next week.  

C is for… the 5C’s
  1. Communication- I am looking at the person who is speaking.  I use different ways to share my ideas. I control my body movements when listening to others.  I explain my work.
  2. Collaboration- I participate in team activities. I listen to others when they are speaking. I use kind, specific, and helpful feedback.  I help my team by doing my part.
  3. Creativity- I create my own ideas. I use my best ideas to complete a job. My work may look different from others.
  4. Critical Thinking- I find new information in books. I come up with new questions about my learning. I think about my actions. I change my thinking based on my new learning.
  5. Citizenship- In our Classroom this will be an important focus you will hear your child talking about
G=Growth- Do your choices show improvement in learning and/or implementing the routines procedures and expectations?
R=Respect- Do your actions show understanding of another’s thoughts and feelings?
E=Empathy- Do your actions show understanding of another’s thoughts and feelings?
A=Accountability- Do your actions show that you take ownership of your choices?
T=Trustworthiness-Do your actions and words show integrity, honesty, and reliability?


G= Gumption- having the courage to take risks
R= Resiliency- the ability to overcome challenges
I= Integrity- doing what is right even when it is difficult
T= Tenacity- not giving up when things get tough
Your child will be work on these skills and be assessed on these skills.

D is for…  Donations
There will be times throughout the year I will ask for donations.  These will be items that will help our class as a whole and expand their hands-on experiences.  Supplies can become very expensive when I am purchasing them by myself so I am very grateful for your help.

In the meantime, here are some supplies that we are always in need of.  If you happen to be out and about and happen to pick up these items or have them around the house we would sure appreciate it!

  • clorox wipes
  • toilet paper or paper towel tubes
  • school store supplies (small toys/prizes)
  • sidewalk chalk
  • magazines
  • newspapers
  • clear packing tape
  • masking tape
  • paper plates

E is for…  Email
Email is the best way to get in touch with me.  I check my email often throughout the day and evening.  If you are unable to communicate this way, please let me know.  jbranch@iwcs.k12.va.us

F is for…  Field Trips
We will take at least two field trips this year, one in the Fall and one in the Spring.  Chaperones are welcomed and encouraged on field trips. Siblings are not permitted on field trips according to school policy.  If chaperones are present, students have a more individualized and personal experience. Students are required to ride the bus to and from the field trip unless you have special written permission from a school administrator.
G is for…  Grades and…
In kindergarten we do not give grades A,B,C, etc.  We do assess students in a variety of ways; observation, written assignments, participation, and formal assessments that are required (PALS, VKRP, SEAL, TOPA and through the American Reading Company Curriculum).  We will share all the data during Parent/Teacher conferences.

Please dress your child in comfortable clothing for school.  It is best to dress children in “play” clothes instead of “dress” clothes since some activities require children to paint, sit on the floor, play in sand, or play outside. In cold or hot weather, please dress your child accordingly since we will go outside to play or for a short walk on the school grounds.  Layers are always best!
Because we do many physical activities during the day, it is recommended that children do not wear clogs, or sandals to school. Please review the student handbook for specific student dress code (ie. flip-flops are not allowed). Our class will attend Gym/PE about once a week. Children must wear tennis shoes to school on scheduled P.E. days (Monday).      

H is for… Homework
The only assigned homework that your child will be given is to read or be read to for 30 minutes.  My suggestion is that you read to your child for 10 minutes and your child reads to you for 10 minutes and then practice their reading power goal for 10 minutes.  Please use the first quarter to allow your child to get accustomed to the longer school day. Homework will start October 8th.

I is for… Independence
I expect a certain amount of independence from students so please allow them to practice their independence at home too.  Kindergarten students should practice tying shoes, zipping zippers, buttoning buttons, bringing backpacks and agendas to and from school and completing reading steps once it begins.  As the year goes on, you will be amazed at the things your child can do on her/his own!

J is for…  Journals
We will be creating writing, and math journals that will be used throughout the year.  Please encourage your child to write as much as possible at home to boost their skills at school.  Kindergarten students are not expected to spell words correctly, but to “write for sound.” I had an exciting day. (may be written)---”I had an xiting da.”
...and JiJi MATH
Students will be playing “ST Math” this year, a mathematical game that students may play at home if you are interested. You will need to download the ST Math app (it has a penguin symbol). After the first few months of school, your child will know his/her password to log in.  

K is for…  Kindergarten is Not What it Used to be
Although there will be opportunities for play and socializing, we also have a very rigorous academic day.  Kindergarten students will be learning to read and write, math skills including counting to 100, adding and subtracting.  These are skills your child will need to ensure that she is ready for 1st grade.

L is for…  Lunch

Students will have the option of bringing a packed lunch or purchasing lunch from the cafeteria.  The students have many different options for lunch in the cafeteria, and more information, as well as menus can be found on our school website, http://wes.iwcs.k12.va.us.  They will be allowed to choose their own lunches from the offered selections. To help children in making this decision, you may want to review the selections with your child in the morning. While I encourage students to make healthy choices, and to eat their lunch at lunch time, it is important for you to reinforce these concepts at home.  For example, if you prefer your child eat his sandwich before his cookie, that is something you can be discussing with him before he goes to school. I am also eating lunch at this time, and although I am monitoring their behaviors it is very difficult to monitor what they are eating. Students are not permitted to use the microwave or have teachers heat up student lunches.
If your child will be buying lunch or milk in the cafeteria, you have the option of paying for the lunch by using the website https://www.k12paymentcenter.com/ (This allows you to deposit money in your child’s lunch account you can see what your child has spent money on and how much is left in his account.  You may also send a check/cash into the school cafeteria and it will be deposited into your child’s account.)
Lunch Price $2.45
Reduced Lunch Price $0.40
I strongly recommend that if your child will be purchasing lunch you pre-pay.  Teachers are not allowed to collect or hold children’s lunch money, so just be aware if you send cash your child will be holding on to it.  You are welcome to come and eat lunch with your child anytime. Our lunch begins at 12:30. :)

M is for…  Math
In math this year, your child will be exploring patterns, shapes, and fractions.  He will learn to sort objects by various attributes. She will be counting in many different ways, including backwards, forwards and skip counting.  He will be collecting data, creating graphs and tally charts. She will be measuring and learning about the tools used to measure. He will be learning to recognize and count coins. She will even be adding and subtracting.  Some of these concepts will be new for your child. And some may be reviews of concepts he already knows. It is still important to make sure that each child has a firm grasp of the information presented and is able to show me that he or she understands what has been taught.  During math we will be measuring their Stages of Early Arithmetical Learning (skills that help their math advancement).

N is for…  Nurse
We have a wonderful school nurse, Mrs. Denoncourt.  She will be your partner in making sure that your child is healthy and safe while at school.  If you have any questions or information for her, you can call her or email her (edenoncourt@iwcs.k12.va.us).  If there is any health-related information that I should know about your child, please let me know as well since I will be spending the majority of the day with your child.  No medications may be brought to school by the child (including cough drops, lotion, first aid cream, sunscreen, etc.).  If your child needs to receive medication while at school, please discuss this with Mrs. Denoncourt ASAP.

O is for…    Outside
We have a 30 minute recess time each day.  If at all possible, our recess time will be spent outside.  Unless temperatures are below 32 degrees or weather conditions are unsafe, we will be outside each day.  Please make sure that your child is appropriately dressed for the weather each day.

P is for…  PALS...
Windsor Elementary  students’ literacy skills are assessed 3 times a year using the University of Virginia’s PALS (Phonological Awareness and Literacy Screening).  Your child will be tested in October, January, and May. This assessment provides us with information about your child’s pre-reading skills. We can then monitor their scores throughout the year to ensure that we are doing everything possible so that they will make a full years’ worth of growth in reading.  

In addition this year your child will be evaluated through the Virginia Kindergarten Readiness Program.  This will assess some math skills and social skills.

...and Purple Folder

A purple folder will come home with your child every Friday afternoon filled with your child’s work for the week.  These will be on the “KEEP AT HOME” side of the folder. There may also be papers for you to read, review and sign.  These will be on the “RETURN TO SCHOOL” side of the folder. Please make sure that your child brings the red folder back every Monday with any applicable “RETURN TO SCHOOL” papers.

Q is for…  Questions
I am here to help you and your child with the transition to kindergarten.  If you have any specific questions about your child, please feel free to ask.  If your question is a general one, please read through this pamphlet and check the classroom and school blog to make sure the question has not already been answered.  If it hasn’t I am happy to answer your question.  

R is for…  Responsibility,
In the classroom, I stress high expectations and a lot of responsibility in all areas for my students. I know that they can do anything that they really put their minds to. I expect that my students follow all school and classroom expectations;  and will respect and treat everyone in the school with dignity and compassion; will come to school ready to learn; and try their best at whatever they are doing.

….and Expectations
  1. Follow Directions Quickly
  2. Always do your best work
  3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  4. Be a caring friend
  5. Listen when someone is sharing

        Voice Levels
        0= No talking
        1= Spy Talk (Whisper)
        2=Small Group Voice
        3=Normal Voice
        4=Presenter Voice
        5=Outside Voice
The first few weeks of school I will be modeling what these norms and expectations look like and sound like.   The students will be role playing situations that will also reinforce positive behaviors.

S is for…  Snack,…
Students can have a small, DRY healthy snack while we work in the morning, every day.  Please only send energy food (granola, trail mix, vegetables, pretzels, gold fish, etc.) that can be opened easily by your child. Please DO NOT send in wet foods, candy, junk snack food, or things that can be eaten with a spoon! In order to avoid confusing snacks with lunches, please send the snack in a bag clearly labeled “snack”.

Important times to be aware of:
8:35 a.m. – earliest time students can arrive
8:55 a.m. – school day starts and time students will be considered tardy
9:00- 10:00 Math Small Groups and Math Rotations
10:00-10:30 Whole Group Reading
10:30-11:00 Readers Workshop
11:00-12:30 Small Group Reading Instruction and Reading Rotations
12:30-1:00 Lunch
1:00-1:30 Recess
1:35-2:15 Resource
2:15-2:45 LAPS, Math Board, Whole Group Math Mini-Lesson
2:45-3:30 Lab Units (Science and History)
3:30-3:40 Afternoon class Meeting
3:50 p.m.- dismissal

and School Store
Students earn classroom money (pretend money) for their good days and good choices.  Once a week, students are able to spend their school money in the school store. This teaches them responsibility, money management, cause and effect, choices, savings, etc.  
T is for…  Teacher
That’s me! I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself, my name is Julie Branch and I will be your child’s Kindergarten teacher this year at Windsor Elementary School. My husband, Paul is a Loan Officer with Farmers Bank Mortgage Division in Suffolk. We reside in Windsor with our 3 children, Stephen 16 (11th grade at WHS), Kenneth 13 (8th GTMS), and Laura 11 (6th GTMS).  This is the start of my 27th wonderful year in education.  Nineteen of those years were spent teaching Kindergarten.  And there is no place I’d rather be! Thank you for sharing your child with me this year.  It’s going to be a great year!                                             Mrs. Branch
U is for…  Units
Our science and social studies usually revolve around a topic or theme.  Our kindergarten reading curriculum is centered around the theme of animals. Most of our unit topics relate in some way to that theme in reading and writing.

V is for…  Volunteers
There will be many times throughout the year when I am in need of parent volunteers.  I ask that parents refrain from joining us in the classroom for the first few weeks or so as students adjust to our classroom routines.  After that, I will be using the volunteer sheets many of you filled out at Meet Your Teacher Night.

W is for…  Water
Your child is encouraged to bring a water bottle to school to keep at her table.  Please make sure your child knows how to open and close it independently. Hydrated students retain knowledge more easily and are more focused and able to concentrate. I prefer a refillable water bottle that has a sip top (ex.Camelbak type) to keep it from spilling.

X is for…  entrance and eXit
Any time you visit the school, you must enter and exit through the main doors and you MUST visit the office to sign in and receive a visitors’ sticker.  
Kindergarten children are allowed in the building/classroom no earlier than 8:35am. All students must be in classrooms by 8:55am. Children who arrive after 8:55 will be marked tardy and will have missed their opportunity to eat breakfast.  

YMCA and pickup children are dismissed at 3:40pm from the K hallway to a secure holding area. Your child will only be released to the people you designate on the dismissal sheet. They will need to provide identification. Buses are released around 3:50-4pm (they will be late for the first few days until bus routines are learned).

If your child has a change in his/her typical dismissal procedure you will need to visit PickUp Patrol. This is a new web based system we are using.  You will receive a separate email from the school about this. For example, if your child is a regular bus rider, but one day he/she is going to be a pick-up you will use the web based site and it will let the school know where your child is going.  
Y is for…  You
You are the most important person in your child’s life and in your child’s education.  Don’t ever underestimate your importance.  Thank you for sharing your precious child with me this year.  

Z is for…  Zzzzzs
Kindergarten students need lots of sleep.  Please make sure your child goes to bed early enough that he will feel refreshed and ready for school in the morning. If your child is still napping at home you will notice that they will be very tired the first few weeks, because we do not have nap time anymore. (We do offer brain breaks, and open choice opportunities.)  You may need to adjust their bedtime for awhile until they adjust to this new schedule.

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